Preventing Social Isolation in Seniors: Our Approach

Golden Age Caregivers can help prevent social isolation for your aging parent or loved one.

Connecting with others is often a crucial part of our every day lives. As we grow older this can sometimes be difficult to maintain and many seniors find themselves feeling isolated and alone as they age. Loneliness and the sense of social isolation in seniors has been connected to poor health, and shorter life expectancy. Therefore social interaction is an important aspect when caring for the elderly, especially if they live alone.

An elderly loved one can feel alone and socially isolated for a variety of reasons. It could be from retirement, the death of a spouse or significant other, complications from health issues and can even stem from income difficulties. These are often trying events that can lead to a distancing from others.

Golden Age Caregivers, LLC knows that social interaction is the opposite of social isolation and is vital for good mental health. Our caregivers can help your loved ones keep up with social activities to help them feel connected with others and have the sense of companionship they so desperately need.

We advocate our clients actively participate in family experiences, regularly meet with friends, attend functions and get-togethers and find hobbies. Our caregivers can assist with getting to appointments, managing visits with friends and even be on hand to play games or other social activities. Social media is also a valuable tool to help keep seniors feel connected and less alone.

Our trusted caregivers will create a personalized plan of activities based on the clients needs and preferences that will help keep current social connections as well as develop new ones. Our clients view our caregivers as trusted friends and companions and feel secure having some one around to assist with “getting out & about”.

Don’t let social isolation become a problem for your loved one, contact Golden Age Caregivers, LLC at 561-613-3346 to learn how our Caregivers can make a difference in your loved ones life.